See our impacts and donation policy

lives impacted

migrants with proper documentation

documents delivered

R$ 835.000
of income generated for migrants

trained migrants with income generation and employability

professionprofessionals trained in partnership with the Departments of Health and Human Rights

donation policy
Mawon is a non-profit, philanthropic Brazilian association registered under CNPJ nº 29.278.782/0001-07 and regulated in accordance with the Brazilian Civil Code (articles 53 to 61). Mawon is located in Rio de Janeiro and promotes the socio-economic integration of refugees and migrants into Brazilian society.
The terms of this document deal with donations made by individuals and companies to Mawon, on a voluntary basis and with no obligation to continue for a pre-stipulated period. By making financial contributions to Mawon, donors agree to these terms.
1. Introductionuçto the
The donations made will be used for the operation of the organization and its projects in accordance with the corporate purpose of its bylaws. The entire amount collected will contribute to work towards the integration of refugees and migrants and the maintenance of Mawon, and can be allocated on different fronts, according to strategic plans and specific needs.
So that all donors have full confidence in the work performed and establish links with the cause they are supporting, the organization undertakes to respect and disseminate the Statute of Donor Rights of the ABCR – Brazilian Association of Fundraisers. Every donor has the following rights:
Be informed about the organization's mission, how it intends to use donated resources, and its ability to use donations effectively for its intended purposes.
Receive complete information about the members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the organization requesting the funds.
Have access to the organization's most recent annual financial statement.
Have ensured that donations will be used for the purposes for which they were made.
Receive appropriate recognition and may not be disclosed without prior approval.
Be assured that any information about your donation will be treated with respect and confidentiality and cannot be disclosed without prior approval.
Be informed whether those requesting resources are members of the organization, self-employed contractors or volunteers.
You may withdraw your name, if you wish, from any mailing list that the organization intends to share with third parties.
Receive quick, frank and truthful answers to the questions you ask.
2. Means of Payment
Mawon considers that every donation is a voluntary and spontaneous gesture, and can be canceled at any time, without any consequences. So that future donations are not made without the donor's will, contact those responsible for the organization for the cancellation.
Transfer, Deposit and Donations in Kind:
Mawon receives donations in kind and provides bank account details for transfer or deposit:
Bank: PagBank
Branch: 0001
Account: 15353250-2
Social Reason: Brazilian Association to Support the Integration of Migrants
CNPJ: 29.278.782/0001-07 (PIX)
Donors who opt for donations via transfer, deposit or kind must send an email to contato@mawon.org (i) confirming the amount donated to Mawon, (ii) informing their full name and CPF and (iii) indicating if there is a specific Donation Campaign to which you wish to contribute.
3. Donation Campaigns
Mawon may carry out Donation Campaigns in order to raise funds for specific actions. In this case, Mawon must inform at the beginning of the Campaign, through the Facebook page It is official site, relevant information involving the destination of donations: (i) description of the context and justification of the campaign, (ii) description of impacted beneficiaries, (iii) description and quote of expenses paid with donations and (iv) details of the action. In case the donor indicates a Campaign to which he wishes to contribute, Mawon will only be able to use the donations within the specific Campaign.
4. Rendering of Accounts
Until the last business day of the following month, Mawon will make available Facebook page It is official website the list of all donations received and the description of the respective destinations - with photos of receipts and invoices, if applicable. To maintain the privacy of donors and beneficiaries, Mawon will only inform the initials of the names involved. We believe this is the most ethical way to preserve the dignity of beneficiaries.
5. Data Privacy
Mawon undertakes not to disclose your data to third parties, send unwanted messages (SPAM) and/or content unrelated to the cause of fighting corruption. All data shared between the donor and Mawon will be stored on secure servers and using competent providers for this service.
6. Refund Policy
In the case of mistakenly or duplicately registering donations, reimbursement can be requested by email to contato@mawon.org within 5 (five) business days of payment. The refund request will be reviewed and processed within 30 days.
7. General Information
Mawon reserves the right to change these terms at any time, whenever necessary and with a view to improving the relationship with its donors.