You too can transform lives

Donate to Mawon
Make a one-off donation via transfer or PIX, contribute to our work and see how your help transforms the realities of migrants and refugees.

Bank:Caixa Econômica Federal
Company Name: Brazilian Association to Support the Integration of Migrants
PIX:29.278.782/0001-07 (CNPJ)

With R$85
you can help, for example, with the purchase of 1 basic food basket for a migrant family.

With R$ 170
you can support, for example, an HR professional who will contribute to the economic integration and professional reintegration of a family.*

With R$850
you can contribute, for example, seed capital to entrepreneurial projects for migrants and refugees.**
*The Sr. HR Analyst dedicates around 6 hours a month to assist in preparing a resume and searching for vacancies for 1 person.
**According to UN Brazil reference values, seed capital for an entrepreneur is R$850 to R$1000.

Be a recurring supporter
Sign up to donate monthly to our organization
Who are they and what do they need?
There are more than 1.3 million migrants and +300 thousand asylum requests in Brazil in the last 25 years.
Many encounter different linguistic, cultural and professional reintegration barriers, with difficulties in generating income.

What are the results?
Mawon has already supported more than 12 thousand migrants and refugees in rebuilding their lives in Brazil, but there is still a lot to be done and we count on your help to continue transforming even more realities.
How are donations distributed?

8% structure and association
20% emergency needs
22% lawyers and migration law
40% pedagogy and coaching
10% donation in kind (textile, material, etc.)

Donate materials
Contact us to donate food, clothing, equipment and more!
Remember your donations must be in good condition, we cannot repair or recycle donated products.
We do not pay shipping costs and cannot collect donations at home. A Donation must be delivered to the address to be agreed upon.

food basket
all types of food for refugee or migrant families

withmputadprays and ceto help with professional insertion and to keep the families connected to the world and opportunities

beds for adults and babies, chairs and tables to furnish families' homes

clothing for all ages and genders, in good condition so they can dress for everyday life and work

Get in touch to donate

Being a volunteer is something very valuable! It's committing to a cause you believe in by donating your time and talents to help others.
Being a volunteer at Mawon will expand your world, culturally enriching and adding new knowledge, stories and learnings, in your journey and that of the beneficiary migrants.
Stay on top of open positions and come be part of our team!